Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 6: A Favorite Memory

This is a fairly recent memory, but one that I absolutely love.  On the day pictured, Leo and I were visiting his new baby cousin Adeline and his Auntie Erin.  Leo loves that little girl, it's obvious.  We had just laid the two of them down on Adeline's boppy, just to see how Leo would react.  Next thing you know, he puts his arm around her, just a like a big brother cuddling his little sister!  As Erin and I were swooning over that, he puts his little hand on her little belly and then...wait for it, wait for it...he gives her a kiss on her tummy!!  Erin and I had our camera phones out SO FAST!

It was the cutest thing I've ever seen.  When we picked Adeline up, Leo stayed in the boppy and gave us a very displeased look.  Then he patted the empty space next to him as if to say, "Uh, excuse me, please put her back.  We're not done cuddling".  This memory is so precious to me because it gives me a little glimpse into the future, when Leo and Adeline are the best of friends, wreaking all kinds of havoc together...


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