Friday, July 30, 2010

Leo feeds the dog

Leo is 10 months old today.  Time is just flying by!  He has become very mobile, crawling all around the house and chasing the dogs around.  If I turn my back for a second, I usually find him either in the garage or on the front porch!  In honor of reaching 10 months, here's a little footage of Leo "helping" Indiana eat.

I love this kid!

Thursday, July 29, 2010

Palm Springs July 2010

We spent last week in Palm Springs, which was fabulously hot.  Not the kind of hot we have at home though; a nice dry heat that was accompanied by a luxuriously air conditioned condo and a pool just outside the front door.  The fact that the pool was the temperature of a bathtub, well, whatever.  We spent basically the entire time rotating from the A/C to the pool and back again.  Leo continues to be ambivalent toward the pool, and prefers to be carried rather than seated in his floaty.  I have a feeling that he doesn't like the weighlessness of floating.  He prefers to feel arms around or to have his feet on the pool steps.  Nonetheless, we all had a great time and surprisingly, all three of us managed to avoid a sunburn. Yay!

Getting ready to head to the pool
What do you mean kick?!
Not even a ride on papa's shoulders could make him smile
Drying off after a swim
Where's papa? It's time for a nap!
While in Palm Springs, we visited The Living Desert Zoo.  We really enjoyed it, although I think July is probably not the best month to go.  It was blazingly hot, so we kind of hurried around.  Tim played camerman while we were there, so here are few shots.  He's no Scorsese, but still...

Upon arrival in Palm Springs, it became clear that Leo's sun hat was a tad small.  What can I say, my kid's got a big head.  So, we bought him this fantastic safari hat at the zoo!  As you can see, Leo is not fazed by random snake encounters...

Is that hat cute or what?!
On Thursday evenings there is a street fair in downtown Palm Springs.  We headed down there, where Leo proceeded to play "danger baby" in his stroller.  He was also shouting as we walked down the street, so he garnered a lot of attention.

Beep! Beep! Coming through!
This is how he ALWAYS travels in his stroller!
Leo was mad-dogging the officer who took this picture
We had a great time, but now...back to reality.  Love to all!

Saturday, July 10, 2010

The Week In Review

Fun week, for sure.  To kick the week off in a big way, Leo received two new diapers in the mail.  They are Happy Heiny's brand, which are not my favorites, but they have a cow print and a cheetah print that Leo simply MUST have.  Here's a little fashion shoot in the cow print:

We also had a yummy dinner at Baba and Grandpa's house, where we spent a little time hanging out with grandpa and schmoozing with Papa on the couch:

In other news, Tim's salsa garden is thriving.  This is great news, because everything else we've planted in that particular planter has died.  I mean everything.  Tim is thrilled with his giant tomatoes, which is amusing because he doesn't actually like tomatoes.  But, Tim has big plans for canning his veggies in the form of salsa and pasta sauce.  Here's a sampling of some of our new veggies!
Also this week, we are doing some more home improvements.  It seems like they are neverending!  The front of the house is coming along beautifully.  The roof has been replaced to match the house and we've also put on matching siding.  I'll post some before and after photos of the outside soon.  Tim also started painting the front room a gorgeous shade of blue called Clear Blue Sky.  I'm really excited for the front room to be finished so that we can start moving furniture where it belongs and I can get to decorating!  Here are some pictures of the room when Tim began painting today.

My handy hubby!

Bella was "supervising"

These after pictures were taken this evening, so it's not the best indicator of the color.  I'll put up some more after he does the second coat.

Tomorrow should be a good time.  We're heading to the Rose Bowl swap meet with Aunt Erin and Uncle Manny.  Aunt Erin is on the hunt for some fabulous dining room chairs, so we're gonna get there earlyish and shop, shop, shop!  No telling what amazing things we'll find.

Here's to a great weekend everyone!

Monday, July 5, 2010

Fourth of July

Yesterday was the Fourth of July, and anyone who kows me knows that it is my favorite holiday!  I don't know what it is about this holiday, because I'm not an overly patriotic person.  How can you be when your half British?!  But there's just something about the laid-back nature of Independence Day, the barbecuing, the fireworks, the chit-chatting among friends and family.  I just love it!
We started off the day with breakfast at the Black Cow Cafe with Evan (aka Tim's boyfriend)...

 and then wandered around the car show in Montrose.  Some of the hot rods were REALLY LOUD, but Leo didn't get scared one bit!  Tim was very cute, putting his hands over Leo's ears to protect them from the sounds.

After the car show, we headed home for a few and then met up with Kristin and Evan (man, those two can't get enough of each other!) for a little lunch at Barney's Beanery.  By far one of the worst dining experiences in recent memory, but they gave us Tim's meal free thank goodness.  Leo loved it though, there is just tons to look at in that place.

We headed out to Erin and Manny's place for BBQ and fireworks.  Leo, true to form, was in bed by 8, so he missed out on the live fireworks.  But daddy made sure he had plenty of fun with the fireworks still in the boxes!

So, happy 4th everyone!

Thursday, July 1, 2010

Leo's baptism 5.15.10

Here are some photos from Leo's baptism in May.  He was baptized at St. Steven's Serbian Orthodox Cathedral in Alhambra.  You can't really tell from the pictures, but he wore the most adorable baptism outfit.  Very 1920s sailor type of thing.  The best part was when all the buttons started flying off during the family pictures!

Mommy, Daddy, and Leo just before the ceremony

Kum Jack, Kuma Lara, and Leo

Just before the dunking
Kuma Lara and Leo

Here we go dunking!
Frantically getting dressed to continue the ceremony
All done, time to party!
I have no idea why everything is centered funny and out of whack.  You'll just have to deal!