Saturday, December 3, 2011

Photo Card

Merry Presents Christmas
Create Christmas cards for the 2011 holiday season.
View the entire collection of cards.

Tuesday, March 29, 2011

Day 8: A Birthday Celebration

I turned 28 this year and celebrated by getting my nails done with some wonderful friends and family :)  Afterward, we ate lunch at Barney's Beanery and then took ridiculous pictures outside the restaurant next to an oddly photogenic brick wall. 28 feels a lot like...27.

Saturday, March 26, 2011

Day 7: Something You Use Everyday

How did we ever survive without smart phones?!  I literally use this thing ALL THE TIME!  It can do everything I need it to; make phone calls, send messages, check and upload to facebook, give me directions, you name it.  I can even do online shopping with my amazon app (maybe that's not such a great thing). It's really kind of scary, because when my phone is misplaced or dead, I feel very...disconnected.  We don't even have a land line at home because we rely so much on our phones.  And don't even get me started on Angry Birds and Words With Friends....

Day 6: A Favorite Memory

This is a fairly recent memory, but one that I absolutely love.  On the day pictured, Leo and I were visiting his new baby cousin Adeline and his Auntie Erin.  Leo loves that little girl, it's obvious.  We had just laid the two of them down on Adeline's boppy, just to see how Leo would react.  Next thing you know, he puts his arm around her, just a like a big brother cuddling his little sister!  As Erin and I were swooning over that, he puts his little hand on her little belly and then...wait for it, wait for it...he gives her a kiss on her tummy!!  Erin and I had our camera phones out SO FAST!

It was the cutest thing I've ever seen.  When we picked Adeline up, Leo stayed in the boppy and gave us a very displeased look.  Then he patted the empty space next to him as if to say, "Uh, excuse me, please put her back.  We're not done cuddling".  This memory is so precious to me because it gives me a little glimpse into the future, when Leo and Adeline are the best of friends, wreaking all kinds of havoc together...

Day 5: Your Day

So, there are lots of things that comprise my day, but my main focus is obviously Leo.  The video above basically illustrates what I do all day - I try to keep him from killing himself!!  He is such a handful, always on the go, screaming, yelling, sticking his fingers in the dog's eyes, using his step-stool to climb up to "naughty places" name it, he's trying it.  The funny thing is, I just love it!  That is, when my heart isn't beating a million miles a minute because of it :)

Wednesday, March 23, 2011

Day 4: An Experience That Made You Who You Are Today

Not surprisingly, the most life changing experience of my life was the birth of Leo.  It was life changing in so many ways.  The most obvious is that before his birth I was just me, and immediately afterward I became mommy.  I became wholly responsible for another person's care and happiness, which is an incredible privilege and responsibility.  I am loving (almost) every minute of it and am very excited (hopefully!!) to do it again in November!

In addition to that, going through labor and giving birth naturally (no IV, no meds, nothing) helped me to realize just what my body is capable of.  I have always thought of myself as weak and possessing a low threshold for pain.  Turns out, that's not the case.  Yes, it hurt.  Yes, I screamed and cried and said I didn't want to do it anymore.  But - I made it and I am still incredibly proud of myself and my body's abilities.  I have my mother to thank for always making childbirth seem like a natural thing and for encouraging me to do it naturally, just as she did with all three of us!

Day 3: Your Favorite Show

Well, I couldn't pick just one, so I picked two: one of my current favorites and one that ended but I really loved.

Grey's Anatomy: Great story line, great acting, a fun way to kill an hour (or forty minutes if you have tivo!)

The Tudors: This was a series on HBO, very risque but I loved it!  I am a huge fan of world history and historical fiction, so this kind of show is right up my alley.  I wish we still had the movie channels so that I could watch the new series coming up, The Borgias.  It looks soooo good!!

Why the heck are these pictures so small?!

Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 2: The People That Make Your World Go Round

My husband and my son.  My husband is an amazing guy who adores me and adores his son.  He puts up with a whole lot of nonsense from me and is rarely cranky about it.  He works hard everyday to provide for us, even when it means doing a job that he really does not enjoy.  Now my son, well, what can I say; he's my reason for living, my reason for getting my lazy butt out of bed (sometimes because he is physically dragging me out of the bed and into the kitchen to eat!).  He is the funniest little kid I know, with the best personality and the cutest smile.  I can honestly say that it is VERY rare that I feel overwhelmed or stressed out by him - he's just such a happy-go-lucky kind of boy.  And these two together - oh man, it's a perfect match.  They are two peas in a pod, both delighted to spend a day with each other out in the yard, getting dirty.  Oh, how I love my boys...

Sunday, March 20, 2011

31 Day Blog Photo Challenge Commences!

So, a lot of my blogger and facebook friends have done this lately, and I really enjoy looking at their photos and reading their stories.  Plus, as we all know, I am an epic failure at keeping up this blog!  So, in an effort to encourage myself to post more frequently, I have taken up this challenge.  Here goes...

Day 1: A Photo Of Yourself With 10 Facts

1. I'm 28 years old
2. I've been married for 3 1/2 years
3. I've been a mother for 18 months (not including the nine months he baked)
4. I teach kindergarten
5. I love to read historical fiction
6. I'm trying to learn how to crochet
7. I have two doggies, Indiana and Bella
8. I can be very lazy. I love nothing more than lounging on the couch with Leo, reading books and nursing :)
9. My favorite TV shows are Grey's Anatomy and Brothers & Sisters
10. I sometimes eat cake for dinner if there's nothing healthy available and I'm hungry!