Monday, March 21, 2011

Day 2: The People That Make Your World Go Round

My husband and my son.  My husband is an amazing guy who adores me and adores his son.  He puts up with a whole lot of nonsense from me and is rarely cranky about it.  He works hard everyday to provide for us, even when it means doing a job that he really does not enjoy.  Now my son, well, what can I say; he's my reason for living, my reason for getting my lazy butt out of bed (sometimes because he is physically dragging me out of the bed and into the kitchen to eat!).  He is the funniest little kid I know, with the best personality and the cutest smile.  I can honestly say that it is VERY rare that I feel overwhelmed or stressed out by him - he's just such a happy-go-lucky kind of boy.  And these two together - oh man, it's a perfect match.  They are two peas in a pod, both delighted to spend a day with each other out in the yard, getting dirty.  Oh, how I love my boys...


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