Monday, June 21, 2010

Summer Vacation has begun!

Aaah...the hot days and long evenings of summer are here. One of the best parts of being a teacher is summer vacation, and I've looked forward to this summer with so much anticipation. It's weird, because this has actually been my shortest school year. I was only there for three weeks in September, went on maternity leave, and came back full time in January. But seriously, this has been the L O N G E S T school year of my life, and the most miserable. But enough of that, because summer is here! 11 glorious weeks of sleeping, swimming, shopping, eating, rinse and repeat.

Tim and I had to go to work today to pack up my stuff and schlep it all home. It was supposed to be a full work day, but I got there at 7:50 and was driving off campus by 10. SWEET! My sweet and wonderful husband unpacked both cars and stuffed my belongings in the house (we now look like hoarders by the way).

Then, it was off to run errands. We picked up Tori, my sister in law, and headed to Old Town to do some eating and shopping. We ended up walking around for a few hours and buying things we really don't need, but I did see a couch I liked and could never afford. Damn you Pottery Barn, damn you...

This is how Leo feels about restaurants. Oh, and he successfully drank through a straw for the first time!

After Old Town we headed to Home Depot to buy paint for the living room and plants for the yard. Someday our house will be finished, I hope!

Tomorrow should be another adventure, off to the LAUSD offices in downtown to look for a position for next year and schmooze the personnel specialists.


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