Thursday, July 29, 2010

Palm Springs July 2010

We spent last week in Palm Springs, which was fabulously hot.  Not the kind of hot we have at home though; a nice dry heat that was accompanied by a luxuriously air conditioned condo and a pool just outside the front door.  The fact that the pool was the temperature of a bathtub, well, whatever.  We spent basically the entire time rotating from the A/C to the pool and back again.  Leo continues to be ambivalent toward the pool, and prefers to be carried rather than seated in his floaty.  I have a feeling that he doesn't like the weighlessness of floating.  He prefers to feel arms around or to have his feet on the pool steps.  Nonetheless, we all had a great time and surprisingly, all three of us managed to avoid a sunburn. Yay!

Getting ready to head to the pool
What do you mean kick?!
Not even a ride on papa's shoulders could make him smile
Drying off after a swim
Where's papa? It's time for a nap!
While in Palm Springs, we visited The Living Desert Zoo.  We really enjoyed it, although I think July is probably not the best month to go.  It was blazingly hot, so we kind of hurried around.  Tim played camerman while we were there, so here are few shots.  He's no Scorsese, but still...

Upon arrival in Palm Springs, it became clear that Leo's sun hat was a tad small.  What can I say, my kid's got a big head.  So, we bought him this fantastic safari hat at the zoo!  As you can see, Leo is not fazed by random snake encounters...

Is that hat cute or what?!
On Thursday evenings there is a street fair in downtown Palm Springs.  We headed down there, where Leo proceeded to play "danger baby" in his stroller.  He was also shouting as we walked down the street, so he garnered a lot of attention.

Beep! Beep! Coming through!
This is how he ALWAYS travels in his stroller!
Leo was mad-dogging the officer who took this picture
We had a great time, but now...back to reality.  Love to all!


Meghan said...

That child is a Walker, through and through. Cutie-patootie!!
Glad you had a fun, relaxing time!

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